Leisure Group Travel interviews Broadway Inbound’s Bob Hofmann, who shares his insights on how groups can best enjoy a Broadway outing

Bob Hofmann, vice president of Broadway Inbound at the Shubert Organization, knows a thing or two about the theater.

Hofmann has more than 25 years of professional experience, helping open new domestic and international markets for Broadway. He is currently a VP at the Shubert Organization, responsible for Broadway Inbound and wholesale distribution programs, providing marketing, customer care, and technical bridge between Broadway’s primary ticketing entities and global distributors.

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Before coming to the Shubert Organization, Hofmann was the co-founder of Broadway Inbound LLC. He spent 12 years as Vice President of Sales and Marketing for Broadway.com and Theatre Direct International. He worked as Assistant Producing Director for the Pittsburgh Public Theatre, as Casting Director with Joseph Abaldo Casting, and was co-founder and Artistic Director of United Stage. Other companies Bob has been associated with in various capacities include Primary Stages, The Bathhouse Theatre, The Great Performers at Lincoln Center, The New York City Ballet, The Seattle Symphony, The New City Theatre of Seattle, The City Theatre of Pittsburgh and The Carnegie Mellon Repertory Theatre.

Leisure Group Travel interviewed Hofmann about how groups can best enjoy a Broadway show.

LGT: What is your role at Broadway Inbound?

Hofmann: I co-founded Broadway Inbound and led it for many years, although I’ve handed the reins to Allison French, who handles day-to-day operations. I continue to serve as an officer, focusing on The Broadway Collection to boost our marketing and global exposure for partner shows.

LGT: How did you first get involved with Broadway theater?

Hofmann: My career began in regional theaters as a marketer, stage manager and director, among other roles. Cameron Mackintosh and Martin McCallum recruited me to forge relationships between Broadway and travel companies in New York, similar to successful partnerships in London. This role combined my passions for theatre and travel, keeping me engaged ever since.

LGT: What are some key challenges in planning a Broadway experience for groups?

Hofmann: Choosing a show that everyone agrees on is a major hurdle; disagreements can derail entire trips. Broadway Inbound assists by educating group leaders and tour operators, helping them through the decision-making and booking process. Although pricing and seating can be challenges, our diverse ticketing options help mitigate these concerns.

LGT: What factors should be considered when selecting a Broadway show for a group?

Hofmann: Always book in advance and request the maximum tickets you might need. Group sales function differently from simply buying a ticket. You reserve now and pay later, which allows time for promoting the trip and collecting payments. However, you must meet the minimum group size and may not always be able to add more seats than initially requested.

LGT: How have your group customers (or theater experience) evolved over the years?

Hofmann: More groups are booking closer to the performance date, which isn’t ideal. I advocate for earlier planning to secure better seats and reduce risk, as payments aren’t due at booking.

LGT: What’s your all-time favorite show? Why?

Hofmann: Choosing a favorite is difficult as each show touches me differently. However, Angels in America offered the most profound theatrical experience I’ve had, and Les Miserables was the first Broadway musical I worked on, consistently moving me to tears.

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LGT: Any new shows you’re particularly excited about?

Hofmann: The upcoming season includes many promising shows like Death Becomes Her, A Wonderful World, Gypsy, Tammy Faye and Once Upon a Mattress, all of which are on sale now. And there are so many more to come, titles like SMASH, Redwood, Queen of Versailles and Sunset Boulevard, all highlighting the diversity and potential of Broadway’s offerings. It’s going to be an exciting season.

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LGT: What common mistakes do groups make when planning a Broadway trip for the first time and how can they avoid them?

Hofmann: Besides not planning far enough in advance, groups often overlook less popular shows. I recommend embracing new and unknown productions—Broadway’s quality assures a memorable experience regardless of the show’s fame or star wattage.

LGT: What are your future plans for Broadway for group customers to enhance the theater experience?

Hofmann: We aim to produce more written and video content to help audiences discover and assess new shows. For example, consider this documentary short we recently produced. By increasing familiarity with Broadway and its creators, we enrich the theater-going experience and meet the original challenge of integrating Broadway with the travel industry.

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