If you’re like the majority of Leisure Group Travel readers (71%), you probably haven’t been out on the road with groups since mid-March. This and a number of other grim statistics were revealed in our annual Group Intentions Survey. Perhaps most alarming to me was the number (68%) of trips that have yet to be rebooked for 2021. As we’ve talked about in previous columns, expect there to be a strong demand once people feel it’s safe to travel again.
We need to be ready for that and start building product.
This edition of Leisure Group Travel is packed with goodies to help you do that. Check out the annual Indiana Group Tour Planner and Group Travel Destinations guide, plus feature stories from coast-to-coast. (We’ve temporarily suspended international coverage.)
But we’re just getting started.
We have launched a new program called Virtual Site InSpections, which debuts this December to help you reconnect with destinations. Together we’ll figure out what’s open and get some fresh ideas for 2021 trips.
My favorite part of Virtual Site InSpections is Friday Fam Trips. These 30-minute sessions will take place around lunch time, so you can grab your sandwich, nestle down in front of Zoom, watch and listen as I talk with destination representatives around the country. Together, we’ll learn what’s new, what’s open for business, and what they have in store for your groups. It’s unequivocally the next best thing to being there!
The Virtual Site InSpections will also include up-to-date articles about that destination online Leisure Group Travel.com and this magazine, so you’ll save hours of research time. This is our give-back to you.
Please join me on these Virtual Site InSpections as we reboot the group travel industry.
Happy Holidays,
Jeff Gayduk