Eight Don’ts for Planning New Trips
We often are in such a hurry to get a trip plan going that we forget to take the necessary steps in costing properly and in due diligence before releasing it for sale.
Read MoreWe often are in such a hurry to get a trip plan going that we forget to take the necessary steps in costing properly and in due diligence before releasing it for sale.
Read MoreMany decades have passed since Newport’s heyday as the playground for high society, but sumptuous trappings of the Gilded Age still dazzle visitors to this historic resort town at the mouth of Narragansett Bay.
Read MoreAt the risk of oversimplification there are three things every advertiser needs to look at before beginning to create an advertisement
Read MoreMultigenerational travel, fueled by the demographics and psychographics of today’s baby boomers and societal trends, is a major growth market. Family members are traveling together to destinations throughout the country and around the globe.
Read MoreAny itinerary planner will tell you that treating clients to a dinner and show under one roof—without even changing seats—makes his or her job just that much easier.
Read MoreFOLLOWING ARE ANSWERS from Leisure Group Travel readers who responded to the question: How are you using social media in your business?
Read MoreOne of the secrets of great tours is to get your tour members actively involved in the day’s activities. Just sitting there on the coach listening to you or a step-on guide lecture them won’t do it.
Read MoreKick up your heels and move to the beat. The pulse of Broadway can be felt across the nation as dozens of exciting shows hit the stage.
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