Ronald Reagan Presidential Library: Walk on Air Force One, Explore History

History & Heritage

Perched atop a hill with sweeping views of the southland, the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum is one of California’s most beautiful and unique destinations.

Open since 1991 but wholly renovated in 2011, the galleries were designed to bring history to life. Where else in California can visitors walk on board an actual Air Force One aircraft that flew seven U.S. presidents, touch an authentic piece of the Berlin Wall, or lay a hand on a real steel beam recovered from the World Trade Center after 9-11?

Leisure Group Travel Museum Guide

The Reagan Library features world-class special exhibits, like its current exhibition entitled, “Defending America & The Galaxy: Star Wars and SDI” which highlights President Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), which was often called Star Wars by the media.  As such, the exhibition showcases space-based missile technology alongside original props and costumes from the Star Wars Movie Francise. This exhibition is open through September 8, 2024.

For groups looking to book farther out, the Reagan Library will host the extraordinary “Dead Sea Scrolls” exhibition from November 2024 through August 2025.  This exhibition has not been on tour since 2018 and all new items are on display.

To learn more about the Library’s special exhibitions, visit, or call our visitor services desk at 805-577-4066 or through email at

oval final at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library

Oval Office at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library

Ronald Reagan Presidential Library for Visitors

In the main Reagan Museum, visitors immerse themselves in Ronald Reagan’s path to the White House. Through the use of Green Screen technology, visitors have an opportunity to call a Cubs game, introduce a GE Theater program, and even act in a movie. They can also explore reproductions of the Reagan-era Oval Office and East Wing, stroll through replicas of the White House Rose Garden and West Lawn, and pay their respects at President and Mrs. Reagan’s Memorial Site. The Museum Galleries also include galleries on Ronald Reagan’s boyhood, his time as Governor of California, speeches and trips he took around the world and our country, and a gallery dedicated to the week of his funeral.

The library has two restaurants: Reagan’s Bistro+Bar and the Ronald Reagan Pub. Group tour meal packages range from sandwiches and salads to hot chicken and beef buffets to the upscale White House Lunch program, which comes complete with linen, china service and wait staff. Lunch options range from $15.00 per person to $64.95 per person for the White House Lunch program. However, museum admission and a docent are included in the White House Luncheon program’s cost.

Ronald Reagan Presidential Library

Ronald Reagan Presidential Library Events and More

Annual events are held which are great for tour groups, as well.  Bring a group for President’s Day, Memorial Day, July 4, or Veteran’s Day and attend our programs at no additional cost.  Book a group for our annual New Year’s Eve Celebration, for our Sunset Dinner and Dancing Series, or our Holiday Dinner for a memorable and unique experience.  To learn more about these programs, please contact our events department at 805-577-4057 or

Free on-site parking is available, with special bus stalls set aside, and the bus driver and an escort are comped. Groups of any size can be accommodated, but tour guides (docents) are available only for groups of 15 or more. All groups 20 persons or larger must make a reservation. Groups must also use one form of payment for the entire group, but payment may be made at the time of the visit.

From Air Force One to historic photos and video to interactive games to exquisite landscaped grounds, the Reagan Library is sure to be a fun, entertaining and educational experience. For more information, particularly about special exhibits and events, visit their website or to schedule a visit, call (805) 577-4066.

For more information and tips on museums for travel groups, be sure to Subscribe to Leisure Group Travel and Download our Full Museum Guide for FREE

Ronald Reagan Presidential Library entrance

Contact for group tours:

Tricia Legaspi


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