The time has come to load up your backpack and head out into the great unknown. There’s a big world waiting to unfold, and it’s just an ocean away. You’ve made up your mind to go, but your friends are a different story. Don’t they understand that adventure awaits? Convincing your friends to travel overseas can be a daunting task. So maybe it’s time for some Jedi mind tricks. Try these five methods to persuade your friends to go:

Reciprocity Norm

Essentially, this theory involves calling in favors. All of those times you stayed up late listening to your best friend’s latest breakup horror story or the time you drove 40 miles to pick up your mate who was stranded with a flat tire or that secret instance when you posted bail, it’s time to call in those IOUs. If a gentle reminder of these favors does not work, try flat out guilting those ungrateful chums into going.

Amplification Hypothesis

Don’t tip-toe around it. When you state your case to your friends, say it loudly and with conviction. Your positive attitude and confident look will resonate with them whereas an uncertain tone will soften their attitude about travelling abroad, explains Fast Company. A confident person can easily sway those who may be on the fence or indecisive.

Facts and Solutions

Break out PowerPoint for this one. It is hard to argue with data, especially when presented in a professional and logical manner. If they are worried about safety, research the safety statistics of cities you plan to visit. If money is the issue, offer several airfare options, cheap modes of local transportation, inexpensive places to eat and regional attractions of little to no cost. If they are concerned with communicating with friends and family, ease their minds by telling them about the dozens of iOS apps for the iPhone like Viber that allow for global calls and texts. And finally, if they are worried about a language barrier, Google translate and translation apps can help.

Theory of Scarcity

The theory of scarcity suggests that the more uncommon something is, the more valuable and desirable it is. In this case, traveling abroad is a once in a lifetime opportunity. This is a chance that will never come again. Local trips are available any old time, but traveling overseas is rare and therefore, desirable.

Sleeper Effect

A risky but potentially effective theory is the sleeper effect. The theory proposes that a message from an unreliable source will initially be dismissed, but over time, the message will be disassociated from the source and become stronger. To apply this theory, encourage your friends to listen to the advise of an ill-reputable travel agent looking to make a quick profit. Initially, they will be turned off by the agent, but as the agent is forgotten, the information will remain and seem more appealing.

For a truly memorable experience traveling overseas, you need your best friends along for the ride. Sometimes, they may need a little convincing, but a subtle psychological nudge might just do the trick. If all else fails, try some old-fashioned reverse psychology. Call up your friends’ parents, and ask them to forbid your mates to go. Gets them every time.